Featured: Phoenix Kanada - "13"

This week the featured photographer is Phoenix Kanada who currently lives in Sacramento. He wants to share his first zine with us, a zine which compromises his work of his first 13 months shooting film.

"All in all, this project was a way to give my continuous fans - and also the people who have recently come across my work - a chance to see what I've focused on capturing within the first 13 months of experimenting with 35 mm film. The process and result has undoubtedly helped refine my vision for imagery. Shooting black & white has especially enabled me to specifically learn and become knowledgeable with any given light and contrast. With my images, I hope to shoot more conceptual/series related work as I've been dabbling with it for the last year. My main goal is to bring my work into more tangible forms and this zine is just the start of it."

Personally, I believe that at a certain point in your photographic evolution you long for something else than producing single images. You want to create a series of work that will transform your photographs into something more than the sum of the individual images. With photographs we want to tell a story, but can the full story be told within a single frame? Tangibility is an important factor in art for me too. I’d prefer prints and books any given day over looking at images on a screen. It’s your only possibility to really be able to influence in which way your work gets viewed. Because we all use different screens and devices, but by putting your work in a tangible form you have finally gained back the power of presenting your photographs in the way you want them to be seen.

I would like to thank Phoenix for contributing his work from his latest zine here. Make sure to check out his website and social media. Make sure to submit your work now too! If you have created a project / series you would like to share with us, please send an email to info@wasteoffilm.com with a selection of the most representative images as well as a short description of the work itself. Thank you for your submissions.


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